Our 17th Annual Backpack Drive delivers 5,000 sighs of relief
We just finished distributing 5,000 backpacks as part of our 17th annual Backpack Drive. 5,000 backpacks! That is 5,000 smiles on children’s faces, over 5,000 sighs of relief from parents and guardians trying to figure out how to manage the beginning of the school year.

Another Successful Food Distribution
On August 7, 2021 Unity on the Bay filled the gap for families and individuals who are struggling to make ends meet in Miami. Through the help of #FarmShareFL we hosted a drive-thru food distribution to give away around 500 boxes of groceries.

Unity Feeds 500 Families in Need
On a very rainy Oct. 3, 2020, the Sacred Servers (volunteers) and Staff of Unity on the Bay set out to distribute 500 free boxes of fresh healthy food to people in need in the Miami, FL area. The food distribution lasted about 3 hours while cars arrived with their trunks open so the food could be provided safely with as little contact as possible.