Why Give?
When you give, you’re supporting a spiritual movement that helps people find meaning and peace in their lives through our programming and services. You’re also supporting our outreach programs that make a real difference in our local community.
Every gift we receive is a gift from God and we are so grateful. Thank you!

Divine love, that you are, blesses all that you give and receive!
God gives to the world through each of us. We are channels for God’s generosity to flow. Below are all the ways you can be generous with supporting our spiritual community. Thank you!
Donating online is quick, easy, and secure.
Simply CLICK HERE or use our text-giving option by texting GIVE to 1-833-245-5645 using your smartphone.
We do accept both cash and checks.
If you are writing a check, please make it payable to: Unity on the Bay
Mail checks to 2800 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 410, Miami, FL 33137. Thank you!
Dedicate one of our upcoming Sunday Celebrations in honor of a milestone in your life, a loved one who you want to remember or a cause that is dear to your heart. CLICK HERE to submit a request and choose a Sunday date coming up.
Organizations and individuals love to sponsor our events because not only does it support our Mission and Vision, but they also receive the valuable benefits of being able to connect with our community of amazing individuals.
Over the years, we’ve been blessed by sponsors such as City National Bank, Turnberry Associates, Akerman, Miami Statistical Consultants, Minuteman Press, and so many more.
If you want to learn more, please contact Eva Baker at eva@unityonthebay.org
Legacy Giving is an expression of your deepest values and an extension of your spiritual practice.
It helps create a strong financial base allowing Unity on the Bay to serve its community both now, and in the future.
You can create the kind of legacy you would like for your spiritual community through our Legacy Giving program. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Become a
Faithful Giver
Unity on the Bay thrives on generous support from individuals in the "Circle of Faithful Giving." Members receive prayer calls, spiritual booklets, and an annual gift.
Join anytime by simply making a donation and selecting “set up recurring” and then choosing the frequency and processing dates.

What’s your legacy?
Are you seeking an avenue to extend your spiritual practice beyond the present moment, leaving a lasting impact for generations to come?
Legacy Giving is an invaluable expression of your deepest values. Through your thoughtful contemplation and prayerful consideration, Legacy Giving turns the property you have accumulated throughout your lifetime into a benefit for the community you hold dear.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. By including Unity on the Bay in your will or estate plan, you are demonstrating your faith and belief in the mission and vision of our church and that you wish to further these good works. We accept the following types of gifts:
Bequest of a percentage of the estate.
Bequest of cash.
Life Insurance.
Retained Life Insurance.
Retirement Assets.
Securities, stocks and bonds.
Tangible Personal Property.
Gifts may be designated to “Unity on the Bay”. It is also good practice to include our FEIN #59-0816468. Gifts should not be designated to a specific individual or individuals. The Church, its staff, employees, Board of Directors and agents should not be designated in a will as a personal representative for a donor’s estate.
When considering how you would like your gift to be used, you may specify its use as “unrestricted” or “restricted.” If neither of these terms is used, the gift is treated as “unrestricted.” An unrestricted gift may be used for any purpose as determined by the leadership of Unity on the Bay, while a restricted gift will be specified for an intended use.
A gift of any amount is a loving and generous act. Thank you for considering the future of Unity on the Bay as you make your own future plans.
Please contact Rev. Juan del Hierro who oversees our Stewardship Ministry to let us know of your generosity. You may contact him at juan@unityonthebay.org or 305-573-9191 Ext. 218.
“Legacy. What is legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
This is general information only. It has not been prepared with regard to your personal objectives, financial situation, or needs. Nothing contained herein should be considered or construed as providing personalized investment, financial planning or legal advice.
Unity on the Bay, its staff, employees, and Board of Directors are not licensed under securities or insurance laws to address your particular situation, and no communication in any form from them to you should be deemed as personalized investment, financial planning, or legal advice. Unity on the Bay’s EIN# is 59-0816468.

What is Tithing?
Spiritual maturity involves expanding your abundance consciousness, leaving behind lack and limitation thinking.
A tithe is 10% of your time and income which is given back to where you receive spiritual nourishment. It’s also a practice of demonstrating to yourself that you have plenty for yourself and that you don’t have to live in a scarcity mindset.
Our Tithing Committee formed a Tithing Policy in 2022 which provides more information about our tithing practices as an organization.
It ensures our dedication to making an impact in our local and global communities through programs of outreach and education.
We are dedicated to expanding our message to become a catalyst for change through inspired action.
If you would like to make a request of the Tithing Committee to consider a possible tithe to an organization or individual, please review the Tithing Policy and then complete the request form here.
Two of our 7 core values are Love and Generosity. Since we opened our doors in 1927, we’ve put these values into action by giving over $2.5 million dollars to non-profits and charities.
Here are just some of the ways:
❤️ Annually, we donate to Chapman Partnership to provide meals for over 4,000 homeless men, women, and children.
❤️ $10,000 donated to Global Empowerment Mission for war relief efforts in Ukraine.
❤️ Assisting families who can’t afford school supplies through our annual Backpack Drive (the largest in South Florida) To date we’ve provided over $600,000 worth of supplies.
❤️ Provided life-changing opportunities to hardworking families and their children to help them break the cycle of generational poverty through a $20,000 donation to Branches.
❤️ Free groceries to 3,000+ families in Miami-Dade County through our food distribution partnership with FarmShare.
❤️ During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we supported our community with $80,000 worth of Publix gift cards for groceries and $50,000 to other Unity communities worldwide.
❤️ We care for our planet by planting one tree for every class/workshop/event enrollment. Over 2,000 trees have been planted in North America.
❤️ $15,000 donated collectively to Dunmar Elementary, United Way, and Ayuda.
❤️ And so much more that we don’t have the space to list here.
📸 Rev. Juan del Hierro (left), Steve McCoy (right) and Rene Schaffer (second to right) present a $10,000 check to Branches in support of their Thanksgiving Food Drive.