Resource Library

We have a library of free videos, articles, and digital booklets available to you based on the spiritual support you need.

View some of our most recent resources below or use the search function to be more specific in what you’re seeking help with.

Some examples of things you can search for are anxiety, grief, abundance, meditatons, etc.

Prayer for Protection

The light of God surrounds me.
I am light.

The love of God enfolds me.
I am love. 

The power of God protects me.
I am power.

The presence of God watches over me.
I am presence.

Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.
I am Divine.

The Prayer for Protection was written by Unity Minister and Poet Laureate, Rev. James Dillet Freeman. In 1969, "Buzz" Aldrin took it along on the first moon landing. As a community, we recite it at the end of every Sunday Celebration.

Listen to the Prayer for Protection

Let’s Pray Together

We believe in positive affirmative prayer and it’s at the foundation of everything we do.

We are here to pray with you for whatever you're going through or growing through. All prayer requests are kept private and confidential.

Spiritual Counseling & Coaching

Have you reached a moment in your life when you need one-on-one compassionate care, support, and encouragement?

Our experienced and trained facilitators listed below are available to assist you in developing a growing understanding and appreciation for the presence, comfort, and guidance of God in your life.

Hospital Visitation Team

If you find yourself experiencing a health challenge, know that our Hospital Visitation Team is here to offer a calming presence through prayer, supporting you in recognizing the presence of God that is always at hand.

These visits are for those individuals who already have a relationship with Unity on the Bay. Visits include hospitals, most in-patient facilities, and even rehabilitation and assisted living facilities.

Financial Assistance

We recognize that people within our spiritual community may experience financial struggles due to exceptional circumstances.

Our Congregant Financial Assistance Program assists congregants (members and regular attendees) who are experiencing these financial difficulties. The purpose of this program is to meet people’s basic needs during a time of crisis or hardship.

Rev. Chris Jackson Scholarship

This scholarship exists to foster academic and spiritual growth for new generations of Unity ministers, teachers, and leaders, and to support our vision of "Humanity inspired to its divinity.” by providing financial support to individuals seeking credentialing through Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI), the Unity Urban Ministerial School (UUMS), and Unity International Ministerial School (UIMS).

Applications are now closed for 2025.
Come back in January 2026 to apply.

📸 Rev. Chris with long-time member and supporter of Unity on the Bay, Ruth Palmieri.