Resource Library
We have a library of free videos, articles, and digital booklets available to you based on the spiritual support you need.
View some of our most recent resources below or use the search function to be more specific in what you’re seeking help with.
Some examples of things you can search for are anxiety, grief, abundance, meditatons, etc.

Prayer for Protection
The light of God surrounds me.
I am light.
The love of God enfolds me.
I am love.
The power of God protects me.
I am power.
The presence of God watches over me.
I am presence.
Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.
I am Divine.
The Prayer for Protection was written by Unity Minister and Poet Laureate, Rev. James Dillet Freeman. In 1969, "Buzz" Aldrin took it along on the first moon landing. As a community, we recite it at the end of every Sunday Celebration.

Let’s Pray Together
We believe in positive affirmative prayer and it’s at the foundation of everything we do.
We are here to pray with you for whatever you're going through or growing through. All prayer requests are kept private and confidential.
Affirmative means agreeing with a statement; being supportive, hopeful, or encouraging.
In North America, some people say “affirmative” when they mean “yes.” To affirm is to make a positive statement. We call communication with God prayer.
Many of us were taught to say “Dear God” in supplication to an entity outside ourselves, but our communication with God can change just as we do.
A positive statement is affirmative, simple, and clear. A statement such as “I receive only good” or “Health is my nature” shifts your thoughts to an elevated, more positive outlook.”
Aside from the prayer support mentioned above from Unity on the Bay, The Unity Prayer Ministry (also known as Silent Unity) is located at Unity Village in Lee Summit Missouri, and has been providing prayer support to the world for more than 130 years.
Someone is available to pray from 5am to 1pm (Central Time) / 3am to 11am (Pacific Time) by calling 1-816-969-2000.
Please note that Silent Unity is part of the Unity Movement but is not coordinated by Unity on the Bay in Miami, FL.

Spiritual Counseling & Coaching
Have you reached a moment in your life when you need one-on-one compassionate care, support, and encouragement?
Our experienced and trained facilitators listed below are available to assist you in developing a growing understanding and appreciation for the presence, comfort, and guidance of God in your life.
Spiritual Counseling is done through prayer, empathic listening, and guiding you into self-introspection. It is designed to inspire and awaken you to the possibilities of spiritual growth amid your own life changes.
Spiritual counseling is not intended to replace traditional counseling; it is based on tools and methods for applying spiritual principles to help you clarify and cope with challenging life situations. Guidance is short-term and depends on your willingness to do the work necessary to apply spiritual principles in your life.
There is an investment of $75 per person however no one will be turned away due to financial hardship.
Coping with stress, anxiety, or depression.
Receiving comfort and support in times of change, grief, and loss.
Exploring new directions in life.
Managing relationship difficulties.
Finding purpose and fulfillment.
Developing self-esteem and feelings of self-worth.
Challenges related to addiction and/or eating disorders.
Transforming experiences of childhood abuse and trauma.
Please note that spiritual counseling is not intended to replace traditional counseling; it is based on tools and methods for applying spiritual principles to help you clarify and cope with challenging life situations. Guidance is short-term and depends on your willingness to do the work necessary to apply spiritual principles in your life.

Hospital Visitation Team
If you find yourself experiencing a health challenge, know that our Hospital Visitation Team is here to offer a calming presence through prayer, supporting you in recognizing the presence of God that is always at hand.
These visits are for those individuals who already have a relationship with Unity on the Bay. Visits include hospitals, most in-patient facilities, and even rehabilitation and assisted living facilities.

Financial Assistance
We recognize that people within our spiritual community may experience financial struggles due to exceptional circumstances.
Our Congregant Financial Assistance Program assists congregants (members and regular attendees) who are experiencing these financial difficulties. The purpose of this program is to meet people’s basic needs during a time of crisis or hardship.
Normally, these needs are defined as but are not limited to:
Primary lodging (mortgage or rent)
Utilities (electric, natural gas, water, sewer, trash)
Medical services
Vehicle repair of primary vehicle
For non-Members: Up to $500 towards payment of a bill may be provided.
For Members*: Up to $1,000 towards payment of a bill may be provided.
*this includes Members who have gone through the New Member Class, Voting Members, and Steward Members.
Money will not be provided directly to the individual. Checks will be made payable to the establishment the money is owed. Assistance may also be provided by paying the approved bill through a credit card.
Non-member congregants must have a record of regular giving, serving, or participation in the ministry.
A photo ID must be provided.
Documentation, invoice, or bill of where the money provided may be paid to.
May not have received Bill Payment Support up to the limit within their member status in one year and no more than 3 times in ten years.
Rev. Chris Jackson Scholarship
This scholarship exists to foster academic and spiritual growth for new generations of Unity ministers, teachers, and leaders, and to support our vision of "Humanity inspired to its divinity.” by providing financial support to individuals seeking credentialing through Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI), the Unity Urban Ministerial School (UUMS), and Unity International Ministerial School (UIMS).
Applications are now closed for 2025.
Come back in January 2026 to apply.
Rev. Chris Jackson served as Unity on the Bay’s beloved Senior Minister from 2006 through 2022 when he retired from field ministry to return to Kansas City, Missouri to spend more time with his family.
He is a third-generation Unity student with a lifetime of service in the worldwide Unity movement. He is former Executive Vice President of Unity‘s World Headquarters, where he served for twenty-six years until his retirement in 2001. Chris has been a keynote speaker at Unity events throughout the United States, Europe and Mexico. His writings have been featured in Daily Word magazine and Unity Magazine and he is a contributing author to the book “New Thought for a New Millennium,” published by Unity House. Right before coming to Unity on the Bay, he was the Senior Minister of Unity of the Palm Beaches in West Palm Beach, Florida, For his long-standing contributions toward the work of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, he was awarded the Charles Fillmore award in 2020.
He often stated that every congregant at Unity on the Bay is their own minister since we each have a spark of Divinity within us and encourage each person to cultivate that for themselves.
Two scholarships may be awarded each year in the amount up to $2,500.00. Recipients may receive the award a maximum of two per credentialing program. Applicants are required to submit a new application each year during the designated application period.
Applicants must enroll in a Unity credentialed program for becoming a Unity Minister or licensed Unity Teacher through Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI), the Unity Urban Ministerial School (UUMS), Unity International Ministerial School (UIMS) or to become a Unity Spiritual Director or a Unity Spiritual Educator through Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI).
Unity on the Bay part time employees are eligible for the scholarship. Full time employees and Board of Trustee members are not eligible.
The Rev. Chris Jackson Scholarship Committee will review all applications and select up to two recipients annually. The committee chairperson shall present the committee’s decision to the Board of Trustees on or before the May board meeting. The committee has been granted the authority by the board to select scholarship recipients; a board vote is not required for the award’s issuance.
Through the online application process, you’ll be asked to provide the following to qualify for consideration:
Two letters of recommendations from individuals with significant knowledge of applicant’s experience and involvement in the Unity movement.
An official transcript (when applicable).
Proof of acceptance or current student enrollment from the school is required prior to receipt of funds.
A written 500 word or more personal essay which describes how Unity Principles have impacted your life and how you will influence the life of others through ministerial work.
Statement of Accuracy.
Please note that there might be a interview with the Scholarship Committee after you submit your online application. Application priority will be given to Unity on the Bay members.
📸 Rev. Chris with long-time member and supporter of Unity on the Bay, Ruth Palmieri.