Evolve yourself, spiritually.

Welcome to Unity YOUniversity, an extraordinary year long journey that will ignite your soul and propel you toward spiritual evolution! You won't just learn spiritual principles – you'll live them, breathe them, and practice them in every aspect of your life.

YOUniversity Benefits

Our ministers have meticulously crafted your journey with a mix of 8 classes, workshops, and a retreat, all catapulting you toward your fullest potential of living a bolder, freer, and more enriched life.

Are you ready to unleash your divine power and embark on the most thrilling journey of your life? Well buckle up because spiritual evolution awaits!


You can enroll and begin your Unity YOUniversity journey at any point on the schedule below.

If you are seeking to take classes for SEE credits, you can find the SEE code by clicking on any class below.

  • 3 Sundays
    Jan 21 / Jan. 28 / Feb. 4
    1pm to 4pm eastern time

    Book: “Discover the Power Within You” by Eric Butterworth

    Dive into the juicy wisdom of "Lessons in Truth" and "Discover the Power Within." Imagine unlocking the secrets of the universe like a cosmic locksmith. We'll dissect these five pillars of Truth – "God Is," "I Am," the Law of Mind Action, Affirmative Prayer, and Living the Truth – until their essence opens your awareness to not just what they mean, but how to live them and how to weave them into the tapestry of your everyday life like threads of pure gold.

    SEE Code: Foundations of Unity HTS 100

  • 2 Saturdays
    March 16 & 23
    10am to 4pm eastern time

    Book: “Heart-Centered Metaphysics” by Paul Hasselbeck

    Yearning to unlock the transformative power of spiritual Truth? This comprehensive course invites you to embark on a journey of conscious evolution guided by the timeless wisdom of Unity founders. Beyond mere intellectual understanding, we delve into the practical application of these fundamental principles, empowering you to weave profound insights into the fabric of your daily life.

    SEE Code: HTS 105 & HTS 110 Meta 1&2

  • 4 Thursdays
    April 4 to 25
    6:30pm to 8pm eastern time

    Book: “Discover Your Divinity” by Martella-Whitsett and DeeAnn Weir Morency

    Have you ever imagined your spiritual journey as a wild ride across the cosmos? Buckle up because this class is about taking the wheel! Prayer's your trusty steering wheel, guiding you towards your heart's desires. Meditation? Think of it as the ultimate cosmic brake, helping you avoid potholes of negativity and screech to a halt when self-doubt tries to take the wheel. In this class you’ll design the perfect prayer and meditation practice for you.

    SEE Code: Prayer SPD 100 & Meditation SPD 105

  • 6 Thursdays
    May 9 to June 13
    6:30pm to 8:30pm eastern time

    Dive into the fascinating intersection of thought, emotion, and everyday life. You’ll dismantle the architecture of your internal world, understanding how thoughts and feelings shape your experiences and master the art of denials and affirmations, effectively clearing negativity and attracting what you really want in life.

    SEE Code: Meta 3 HTS 115&4 HTS 120

  • 2 Saturdays
    July 13 & 27
    10am to 2pm eastern time

    Carrying the weight of past hurts can feel like dragging an anchor through life. Forgiveness, however, offers a powerful key to unlock the chains of resentment and set yourself free.

    Embark on a journey of inner healing where you'll discover the liberating power of forgiveness and release the emotional baggage of past hurts and perceived betrayals. Cultivating inner peace and letting go of resentment and learn to experience newfound joy and a lighter outlook on life.

    Learn more and enroll here.

  • 4 Thursdays
    August 1 to 22
    6:30pm to 8pm eastern time

    Imagine life overflowing with joy, prosperity, and vibrant health. A life where opportunities blossom around you, relationships brim with love, and your every desire manifests with effortless grace. This isn't some distant dream; it's the birthright you already possess – your unlimited good.

    You’ll learn to unlock the door to this inherent abundance, shift your mindset away from scarcity and toward abundance, resulting in prosperity in all areas of your life.

    You’ll practice moving away from the limiting beliefs that hold you back, and instead focusing on the power of gratitude and appreciation, magnetizing more good into your life.

    SEE Code: Prosperity HTS 130

  • 1 Saturday
    October 12
    10am to 4pm (In person only)

    Embark on a “12 Powers” journey in a retreat style setting. You’ll dive into the profound depths of your own creativity and spirituality using The 12 Powers – faith, power, order, strength, imagination, zeal, wisdom, understanding, release, love, will, and life. These aren’t mere concepts, but potent forces within each of us, waiting to be awakened and used as true power in our life.

    For those who can’t make it in person, you will be provided with a “self-guided” retreat package at no additional cost.

    SEE Code: HTS 125

  • 4 Thursdays
    Nov. 14 to Dec. 12
    6:30pm to 8:30pm eastern time

    * “In the Flow of Life” by Eric Butterworth
    * “Conscious Living” by Gay Hendricks

    The Universe works in our favor. Living intentionally with non-resistance, we allow the Divine to flow through us, bringing health and success to all areas of our lives and being.

    During this class, students will recognize obstacles to self-esteem and self-love and evaluate personal stressors. By the end of class, the student will have an awareness of their beliefs around health, finances, and relationships and be able to formulate mediation strategies around stressors, thus opening their experience to the flow of unlimited abundance.

    SEE Code: SPD 110

  • Dec. 15 at 11:15am eastern time

    If you are participating to earn a Certificate of Completion then you’ll be invited to be part of our special graduation ceremony with our community as your witness at our Sunday Celebration.

3 ways to journey

This year for the first time, you can choose how you want to make your journey based on your commitment level. Each journey has added perks to help you along the way to your own spiritual evolution.

Rev. Juan del Hierro
Senior Minister

  • For over a decade, Rev. Juan has illuminated the path for countless individuals seeking deeper meaning and personal transformation. Through his dynamic teaching style and insightful guidance, he bridges the gap between spiritual wisdom and practical application, empowering students to embody authentic, purposeful lives.

    His passion lies in bringing spiritual principles into tangible tools for everyday living. Drawing on his extensive experience, Rev. Juan offers a compassionate and supportive environment where individuals can explore their unique paths and unleash their inner wisdom.

    Beyond his role as a teacher, Rev. Juan is dedicated to social justice work and his mission of reminding the world that “we are blessed and we are a blessing”.

Rev. Pam Gutierrez
Associate Minister

  • Rev. Pam has embraced spirituality and its transformative power throughout her life. With her diverse background in education, business, and holistic healing, she brings a unique perspective and depth of knowledge her ministry.

    Throughout her journey, she remains committed to finding balance and being a model of ahimsa, the principle of non-violence, in all aspects of her life. Her personal experiences and deep understanding of spirituality make her an invaluable teacher and minister who guides and inspires others on their own spiritual quests.

  • Yes however you must decide before the end of the first class because you will need to finished the required Growth Work for graduation.

  • We don’t offer refunds on paid or donation-based enrollment.

    However, if you enrolled at the Grad or Teacher level and paid in full, you can retake any class/workshop for up to 2 years after the date of enrollment.

  • Not for activities that require paid enrollment. By law they are not considered tax deductible.

  • If you are using our payment plan, deposits vary based on journey level and are non-refundable. Subsequent payments are due April 1, July 1, and October 1. The remaining balance must be paid by October 1.