A new beginning for Temple Israel of Greater Miami

On Sunday, August 11, Temple Israel of Greater Miami (where Unity on the Bay currently hosts our Sunday Celebration services) met with their membership.

Because of changing demographics, financial and facility considerations necessitate significant changes for the future of their synagogue, Temple Israel has informed their community that they plan to move out of their current location at the end of summer 2025. To that end, they have created a Task Force to support them in their transition as they consider their options. You can read more about this in their press release HERE.

Join me in holding Temple Israel, its leaders, and congregants, in our prayers. Not only are they our landlords, they are also a partner in faith. Their legacy in South Florida is as equally felt as the one of Unity on the Bay's.

I understand that you may be wondering how this impacts our spiritual community. At this time, it does not. Our current lease with Temple Israel is until the end of summer of 2025. Our Building our Future Committee and Board of Trustees continue to work to find our next spiritual home. While there is nothing new to report at this time, we trust that we will have more to share with you in the near future. We continue to be in conversation with Temple Israel and trust God's wisdom is guiding both of our communities along our ever-evolving path.

This does, though, remind us of the importance of spiritual community and our support of it. Thank you for being a part of Unity on the Bay. We are blessed!

Now, let us affirm: We give thanks that Unity on the Bay's right and perfect new home is manifested under the guidance of God.

Love in service,

Rev. Juan
Senior Minister


Singer Nicole Henry recieves the 2024 Light of Unity Award


Congrats to our July 2024 Sacred Servers!