The Sizzle Effect
Resources Jason Weeks Resources Jason Weeks

The Sizzle Effect

Have you become bored and uninterested in certain areas of life? We all have places that need to be dusted off and infused with new life so they can sizzle like they once did. Rev. Juan's 3-step process he calls “The Sizzle Effect, '' will without a doubt help you create uncontrollable enthusiasm in any area of life including work, relationships, hobbies, and more. In this 3-part series you’ll dive into each step and learn how to apply it to wherever you want to experience more sizzle in your life!

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Our inner & outer purpose
Resources Jason Weeks Resources Jason Weeks

Our inner & outer purpose

At times, we may feel pulled by the events of our own personal world and our desire for the inner life. We may even believe we have to choose between being and doing. What if we can create harmony between both? Our inner purpose for being, and our outer purpose for doing can come together in such a way that it can change our world. Awakening opens us up to experiencing life with new vigor, excitement and zeal. Isn't it time for us to find this sense of harmony in our lives?

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