This includes from left to right in the picture:
Nick Brunzell
Laura Thezine (VP)
Rev. Juan del Heirro
Iliana Rodriguez (Secretary)
Keven Moran
Jody Johnson (Treasurer)
Steve McCoy (President)
Kelley Bussey (not pictured)
Israel Sosa (not pictured)
We honor you, Unity on the Bay’s Board of Trustees for your unwavering dedication to every aspect of Unity on the Bay's growth and development, this has not gone unnoticed. Your commitment to living our core values and the endless support you provide, both publicly and behind the scenes, is having a profound impact on our community. This recognition is a celebration of your commitment, perseverance, and selfless dedication to our community. Especially during this holiday season, it's important to acknowledge the tremendous impact you've made.
When you see any of our board members on Sunday mornings, please give them your words of gratitude for all of their time spent volunteering in our community.