Prayer for Recent Gun Violence

A message and prayer for peace from our ministers, Revs. Chris and Juan…

In times of tragedy, we must reaffirm our faith in God, in love, and in the potential of the human family.

We mourn the lives lost due to recent gun violence, including the Texas school shooting today. Let us hold in prayer all those affected, including those who lost loved ones and those who will tell their children why they hug them a bit tighter tonight. Let us recommit to being a source of prayerful action in the world, remembering and living our Oneness.

Join us in taking a collective and healing breath, allowing us to feel God’s loving comfort within us. In the midst of our hearts grieving, we reaffirm our faith in the power of prayer. We pray that we may be a comforting presence for ourselves and others. We pray for divine guidance as it leads us to being a channel of peace and light in the world. We pray for the courage and strength being called for as we do what is ours to do to bring a greater sense of safety and harmony to the human family. We pray that we may not forget the power of prayerful action. We pray. We pray. We pray.

The light of God guides us,
The love of God moves us,
The power of God encourages us,
The presence of God lives in and through us.

And so it is. amen.


Deep Appreciation Meditation


Report from the 2022 Annual Membership Meeting