Unity on the Bay

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"Building Our Future" Update

Greetings from the Board of Trustees and staff of your spiritual community!

In early 2020, we launched a strategic planning process to help us take our vision for our new home to a more practical reality. Who could have imagined that we would be met by a worldwide pandemic that would bring regular activities to a halt?

Without a doubt, the Coronavirus impacted our time frame for our move, and yet we have learned much during the past year -- not the least of which is the importance of allowing our community to expand virtually through technology. State-of-the-art technological outreach has been a part of the plan for our new home for several years. During the past year, it’s become a reality. We now look forward to discovering how many of our friends have found virtual Sunday celebrations and other programming to be more convenient than in-person attendance. This information is important for us as we create our new home.

Now we are beginning to explore the new normal and what it means to our current and future operations.

In light of new CDC guidelines, we are now looking forward to lifting Covid restrictions and pre-registration requirements at our Sunday Celebrations, which began Sunday, May 30. Non-vaccinated friends will be asked to continue to wear masks and exercise good judgement and our core value of integrity to ensure the health and well-being of our spiritual family. To learn more about all the changes to our COVID-19 Safety Protocols, please click here.

We are also excited to report that we have contracted with a professional strategic planning consultant to help us expedite the creation of a plan that will help move us toward our future home. We are also creating a new Building Our Future Committee, which will convene for the first time this summer and will work closely with the board and our consultant to develop our strategic plan and implement it.

The Care and Communication Subcommittee of the Building Our Future Committee continues to facilitate “Connection Sessions” that are helping us to better understand the dreams and desires of our community. In the coming days, our consultant will build in this work with one-on-one meetings and focus groups with members across our spiritual community.

This information will all be included in the creation of our new strategic plan.

We continue to trust Divine timing as God’s will for our future unfolds, and we are deeply grateful for your prayerful support as we continue moving forward in faith.

In spiritual unity,

Eddie Dominguez, President, Rev. Chris Jakson, Senior Minister

Board of Trustees